IPCamPower IPCP-EXT2P POE Powered 2 Port POE Extender Switch for IP Cameras
by IPCamPower
Sold out
Great condition, Slightly used.
- One of the most revolutionary items to hit the IP surveillance market, this device can serve many purposes as either a POE powered unmanaged switch or as a POE extender
- POE Extender: No longer do you have to worry about 100 meter run limitations. This midspan extender will take an incoming POE signal and transfer it to even further distances.
- POE Powered 2 Port Unmanaged Switch: This device will take an incoming POE power source to be powered and act as a standard 2 Port POE switch. Has 1 port in and 2 Ports out. Useful if you want to take an incoming POE signal sent through one cable and be split out to power 2 cameras at once. Can also be used as a switch for non-POE devices as well
- This device requires no local power and does not need a receptible nearby. The only way it is powered is by the incoming POE power from your POE switch or injector.
- POE injector not included.
- Wall mountable, low profile design. Only 3.1" x 3" x 1"